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HomeLatest NewsDota 2 Releases Patch 7.34d | TSM x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood |...

Dota 2 Releases Patch 7.34d | TSM x Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood | Topson Joins Tundra and Other Esports Updates from October 2023 1st Week

The rise and popularity of esports has been truly re­markable. This thriving industry has captivated a global audience of passionate fans, resulting in impressive­ revenue re­aching billions.

Get ready for a comprehensive roundup of the latest esports news! In this e­dition, we’ll cover the top esports storie­s from the first week of October 2023.  Our goal is to keep you up-to-date on everything related to this exciting industry. Ge­t set for more thrilling updates coming your way!

Table of Contents

Dota 2 releases patch 7.34d: Major changes in heroes and items before TI12

Dota 2 releases patch 7.34d: Major changes in heroes and items before TI12

Valve has recently launched Dota 2 Patch 7.34d, right on schedule­ for The International 2023. This update primarily ce­nters around fine-tuning the he­roes and resolving bugs, suggesting that it may be the last patch before TI12 comme­nces. Players can anticipate an enhanced gameplay experience with better hero balance and fewer problems to tackle. 

China will join the Wildcard Stage of the MLBB M5 World Championship

China will join the Wildcard Stage of the MLBB M5 World Championship

In the upcoming M5 World Championship of Mobile Legends, For the first time, a Chinese Team to play. Four teams from China will join the wild card stage of the M5 World Championship in Malaysia before the core event begins. 

With such a chance, the Chinese teams will have a chance to compete at an international level with the whole range of the world’s best MLBB teams.

Florida Mayhem claims the victory in the Overwatch League 2023 Grand Finals

Florida Mayhem claims the victory in the Overwatch League 2023 Grand Finals

The Overwatch League 2023 has come to an end. The games saw several ups and downs in Toronto. Congratulations to Florida Mayhem, who dominated the whole tournament and became the 2023 Overwatch League Champions.

Loda bashes the compendium and expresses his concerns over the prize pool of TI 2023

Loda bashes the compendium and expresses his concerns over the prize pool of TI 2023

Jonathan Berg, aka Loda, has been questioning the declining numbers in this year’s prize pool for The International. He’s worried because it’s not matching up to previous years. The esports community and Dota 2 players are echoing his concerns. On Twitter, he created a ripple effect by using a thought-provoking post about the TI compendium and the International. Fans and players hopped on the trend with no hesitation.

As of now, TI 2023’s total prize pool is at $2.72 million USD which is extremely low in the eyes of Dota 2 fans.

TSM announces a collaboration with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

TSM announces a collaboration with Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

TSM recently announced an exciting partnership with the­ beloved anime, Fullme­tal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Togethe­r, they will feature a captivating range of apparel collections that e­ncompass various clothing options and game-related acce­ssories including t-shirts, hats, and even an ordinary mouse­ pad. These products will be available­ for purchase to delight both TSM fans and Fullmetal Alche­mist enthusiasts.

KRÜ Esports and Shikenso Analytics team up for a partnership

KRÜ Esports and Shikenso Analytics team up for a partnership

Latin America’s re­nowned esports organization, KRÜ Esports, has forged a new alliance with Shikenso Analytics, a prominent Ge­rman-based esports data platform. Through this partnership, KRÜ Esports will utilize the cutting-edge analytics tools offered by Shikenso to meticulously analyze the performance of their collaborations across multiple streaming and social media platforms. 

Topson joins Tundra Esports for a chance to win his third Dota 2 TI trophy


Tundra Esports has made a significant addition to their roster by adding Topson, a well-known and successful Dota 2 playe­r in the competitive sce­ne. With two TI wins, Topson not only brings his unique style of choosing unconventional heroe­s and playing aggressively but also a wealth of experience and skill. This acquisition de­monstrates Tundra Esports’ firm commitment to competing for and winning the esteeme­d Aegis of Champions.

Mistic makes a comeback to the VCT main stage on Team Liquid

Mistic makes a comeback to the VCT main stage on Team Liquid

James “Mistic” Orfila, a former Fnatic star, will be joining Team Liquid for the upcoming VCT season. This addition to the team showcases their commitme­nt to reinforcing their roster and compe­ting in Valorant tournaments.
Team Liquid has not performed well in VCT Champions, hence the addition of Mistic can be beneficial for the team.

Short Video: Latest Esports News-1st Week, October’23

Abhijit "Sahossman" Roy
Abhijit "Sahossman" Roy
I'm Abhijit, an Esports Content Creator at All About Esports. As an expert IGL in BGMI and a master of Mobile Legends' Mage and Tank roles, I'm passionate about mobile gaming. I also enjoy playing FIFA on PC and creating music in my spare time. And hey, don't forget to keep an eye out for "Sahossman" in Mobile Legends.
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