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Will FIFA 23 be on EA Play? How much GB is FIFA 23? How to download free FIFA 22 on the console? If you are annoyed by these questions and want to find an answer, we are here to answer all those questions and more. Find everything you need and follow our social media...


How much GB is Fortnite? Is Fortnite OK for 9-year-olds? Is Fortnite free on PC? Which country plays ML the most? We are here to answer all these questions and more. Our views honestly assess all console games, so you know what to expect before investing your time in a game. Additionally, our guides...

Forza Horizon V

Is Forza Horizon 5 only on PC? Is Forza Horizon 5 free? Is Forza Horizon 5 on Android? If you are worried about these questions and want to find an answer, we are here to answer all those questions and more. Find everything you need and follow our social media pages for future updates! Ready...

Red Dead Redemption 2

How many GB is the Red Dead 2 PC? Is Red Dead Redemption 2 just like GTA? Can I play RDR2 with 4 GB RAM?? If you are annoyed by these questions and want to find an answer, we are here to answer all these questions and more. Our views honestly assess all console...


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